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Thread: OK, enough bullshit.

  1. #61
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoventryCat86 View Post
    I don't think I could have said it better myself George.
    Well then, why the hell didn't you, you fucking moron.

    Poor George... he always has to come to your rescue and tell people what you really mean.

  2. #62
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    Precipitously close to disaster.


    Quote Originally Posted by Shelby07 View Post
    Well then, why the hell didn't you, you fucking moron.

    Poor George... he always has to come to your rescue and tell people what you really mean.
    Poor shelby - I have to keep a close eye on the board so I can explain to him what I mean. He's having some comprehension problems with my posts...

    shelby - if you're not getting what I'm saying, how can you possibly understand what others are saying? Seriously - I'm picturing you as one of the Peanuts cartoons that used to be on years ago. You, know - the one where Charlie Brown is talking to the teacher and the the teacher is saying, "Mwaaah Mwah Mwaaaahhh Mwah Mwah..." It's like you're not picking up the words when they're spoken and it's all gibberish to you...

    Hey - I invested in a pair of bi-focals a while back. Has done wonders for my reading comprehension. You might want to give them a whirl...

  3. #63
    Moheganson Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Shelby07 View Post
    Well then, why the hell didn't you, you fucking moron.

    Poor George... he always has to come to your rescue and tell people what you really mean.
    I used to think you were a good guy but not any more. Isn't what he did against the rules here?

  4. #64
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    Apparantly there ARE no rules. But if there are then I'm not the first to have broken them.

  5. #65
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    I just want to remind you of the faculty rules:

    • Rule One! No Poofters!
    • Rule Two, no member of the faculty is to maltreat the Abbos in any way at all -- if there's anybody watching.
    • Rule Three? No Poofters!!
    • Rule Four, now this term, I don't want to catch anybody not drinking.
    • Rule Five, No Poofters!
    • Rule Six, there is NO ... Rule Six.
    • Rule Seven, No Poofters!!

    Right, that concludes the readin' of the rules.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shelby07 View Post
    Well, now that Hex's request is negated, let me try this my way...

    I can't figure out if this is fuckin' hilarious, inanely stupid or just plain sad...

    Another Shelby? (is your caps key broken?)

    You're a fuckin' nut. You prove it almost every time you show that you can't reply "intelligently" to a well thought out post that you disagree with. Read Newfie's post then read your answer, you ignorant bastard.

    C'mon, Bill - show the general populace that you can do something besides fling shit at me. They stuck up for you here... the least you can do is show them that they backed a good horse. Give them some kind of thought out response. Take a look at Newfie's post and try again. You're on a roll. Just remember what happened to Barry when he was on a roll. Be careful, the same thing could happen to you.

    Newfie's post was intelligent and well presented. Instead of replying to his posts, you just used it as another opportunity to whine about me. Your butt must be all hurt over me 'cause you just can't let it go.

    You couldn't write an intelligent response if your fuckin' life depended on it, and for the life of me I can't figure out why the folks on this board think you are such an asset - especially when you show your ass so often.

    ...wait a minute.... is there a connection there???

    Y'know Bill, I think you must have gotten beaten up alot when you were a kid. You really need to get over it. You're supposed to me a grown man now.

    ...and by the way, you never did answer my question. Do you actually own a home in Nova Scotia? Please let me know as I'd like to apologize if you do... but I don't think you do. I think it's just more of your bullshit. And I know it comes right back to something I posted.

    What a fuckin' nut!
    Full blown meltdown.

    I thought you were leaving?

    Going out in a blaze of glory, huh?

    As far as where I live, drew_goring has his "location" listed as "Havana, Cuba" and cabaguan juan has his listed as "the 8th ring of Saturn." Good God, why are you making such a big deal about the "location" I have listed in my profile? Don't you realize how infantile you're making yourself look? It's none of your damned business if whether or not I own property in Nova Scotia. Why are you so hell bent on wanting an answer to that question? The last thing I'd do is tell some mentally unbalanced person like you any details of my personal life so how about you just keep on wondering and stop whining about it?

    And once again shelby, I never got "beat up" as a kid nor did I ever "beat" anyone up. I am not a violent person. Did your mother and father physically abuse you when you were a child? You sure do seem to be a very violent person with deepset emotional problems who superimposes his childhood problems on others for no apparent reason. Have you ever been arrested for assault? Have you ever punched anyone in anger because you couldn't control your temper? Please let me know, thanks!
    Last edited by CoventryCat86; 04-06-2007 at 07:14 PM.
    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

  7. #67
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    to you all
    'I,m better for having known you"

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by groovy View Post
    to you all
    hmm. not quite enough bullshit for the groovster, it seems.
    Equality is not seeing different things equally. It's seeing different things differently.
    - Tom Robbins

    - Like I needed you to tell me I'm a fucking prick . . . Did you think you're posting some front page news? I am a fucking prick . . . - MarineOne

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by basil View Post
    hmm. not quite enough bullshit for the groovster, it seems.
    more than enough..
    'I,m better for having known you"

  10. #70
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    Did you post this, yes or no?

    Quote Originally Posted by groovy View Post
    to you all
    If so, why, how does this benefit the board or the person you're attacking?
    {*insert snide remark here*}
    Trader Rating: +2112

  11. #71
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    It appears that groovy is not who he appears to be hummmm... I think I would have waited a lot longer before flaming the whole board. I am guessing you have to work on your self modulating skills.

    "Do this...go to Google and type in "Dumbass that can't take a hint"...notice the picture of a big feller in his Moms kitchen with a can of Wannabe RockStar on his man boob...Hey, that's you!" TheGreekTitan

    May God grant us the wisdom to discover right, the will to

    choose it, and the strength

    to make it endure

  12. #72


    Mebbe Groovy is just Sid 1.1.....
    There's only two kinds of cigars, the kind you like and the kind you don't.

  13. #73
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    Nah, groovy knows how to use a shift key.
    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

  14. #74
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    Just spoke with Sid... he has asked Hex to verify that he is not Groovy. He would like you to know that he does not post under duplicate ID's.

    Hex... while you're at it, I'd still like to know which members were posting using more than one ID. From what I have read there are several others with inquiring minds who want to know.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shelby07 View Post
    Just spoke with Sid... he has asked Hex to verify that he is not Groovy. He would like you to know that he does not post under duplicate ID's.

    Hex... while you're at it, I'd still like to know which members were posting using more than one ID. From what I have read there are several others with inquiring minds who want to know.
    I thought you were leaving? You don't post for five days and yet only come back to stir shit and cause trouble.
    Last edited by CoventryCat86; 04-16-2007 at 01:48 PM.
    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

  16. #76
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    So what part of "I'll leave in June when the Birthday thread is done" don't you understand?

    I was relaying a message from Sid. Apparantly there are some who implied that he was back posting under another ID. It bothered him and he asked that I post a message for him and ask thet Hex verify it. He posts on other boards and really doesn't want suspicion cast on him when he can't reply to allegations himself.

    I don't really care if you are uncomfortable with me being here or asking one more time for something that several others have said they'd like to know (damn troublemakers!) I would, however, be curious to know why you are so resistant to the idea of outing the offenders. That just isn't like you. The only thing I can think of is that that the offenses either involved you or one of your croonies. Want to prove me wrong? Call for those who abused the rules to be outed as so many others have already done.

    If I do leave before June it will be my choice, unless you want to call for another poll.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shelby07 View Post
    So what part of "I'll leave in June when the Birthday thread is done" don't you understand?

    I was relaying a message from Sid. Apparantly there are some who implied that he was back posting under another ID. It bothered him and he asked that I post a message for him and ask thet Hex verify it. He posts on other boards and really doesn't want suspicion cast on him when he can't reply to allegations himself.

    I don't really care if you are uncomfortable with me being here or asking one more time for something that several others have said they'd like to know (damn troublemakers!) I would, however, be curious to know why you are so resistant to the idea of outing the offenders. That just isn't like you. The only thing I can think of is that that the offenses either involved you or one of your croonies. Want to prove me wrong? Call for those who abused the rules to be outed as so many others have already done.

    If I do leave before June it will be my choice, unless you want to call for another poll.
    Awwwww, poor sid....

    That prick is worried about people saying things about him that ARE NOT true? Tell that liar that I have no sympathy for him whatsoever. He's the same guy who tells people in PMs that I'm an "alcoholic" which is a lie. You also might want to suggest that he not do shit like that because people that do slander people like that usually wind up getting sued.

    So tell ya what shelbs, when sid can refrain from slandering me and other people then maybe we'll give a shit about his little itty, bitty feelings being hurt because one person implied that sid is posting here under another screen name like he does at Herfer's Paradise. He was banned using bigpoppapuff then returned as blackfrankwhite. Since that didn't "bother" him, why should anyone who may think he's doing the same thing here "bother" him?

    You said you were leaving so why not just leave?
    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

  18. #78
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    Fuck you Bill - I ain't gonna tell Sid anything for you. You want to tell Sid something, be a man and tell him yourself. Just go on over to Herfer's Paradise where everyone knows exactly who the both of you are and call him out there. Or go ahead and sue him if you're so damn sure he's "slandering" you. Why complain to me? I don't really give a shit. Either way, it's not my fight.

    What's really sad is that Sid is gone and he's still under your skin. You still want to fight with him through me. You want me gone too, so it seems you're going to make this about Sid and attempt to make me guilty by association. Well, knock yourself out there, big fella. I have nothing to lose here. I'll leave in my own good time.

    I'm staying until June whether you like it or not. When I leave will be up to me. But I'll make a deal with you for the good of the board... quit following me around and I'll leave you alone. I really have no desire to talk to you anyway. The last time I tried to ignore you, you made it very difficult, so this time when you call me out after every post I make I'm gonna post back, even if it's just to tell you to fuck off. It's up to you, Bill. Your behavior from here on out is being watched by everyone on this board. Leave me be and the rest of my time here will be pleasant for everyone. If this turns into another shit bath it's gonna be on you too.

    As for the rest of the community, I have to say that I am really disappointed in all of you for not pressing the issue of duplicate ID's. It sure pissed me off when Hex verified they existed, and I doubt if he would have bothered t post anything about it if the issue were long dead as Bill would have you believe. Don't you guys want to know who's been playing you for suckers?

    By the way, I'll be over at HP too. Come by and say hello. And for cryin' out loud, Bill, quit trying to make all of this about Sid. Remember, Sid is gone. It's me you're out to get now.

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shelby07 View Post
    Fuck you Bill - I ain't gonna tell Sid anything for you. You want to tell Sid something, be a man and tell him yourself. Just go on over to Herfer's Paradise where everyone knows exactly who the both of you are and call him out there. Or go ahead and sue him if you're so damn sure he's "slandering" you. Why complain to me? I don't really give a shit. Either way, it's not my fight.

    What's really sad is that Sid is gone and he's still under your skin. You still want to fight with him through me. You want me gone too, so it seems you're going to make this about Sid and attempt to make me guilty by association. Well, knock yourself out there, big fella. I have nothing to lose here. I'll leave in my own good time.

    I'm staying until June whether you like it or not. When I leave will be up to me. But I'll make a deal with you for the good of the board... quit following me around and I'll leave you alone. I really have no desire to talk to you anyway. The last time I tried to ignore you, you made it very difficult, so this time when you call me out after every post I make I'm gonna post back, even if it's just to tell you to fuck off. It's up to you, Bill. Your behavior from here on out is being watched by everyone on this board. Leave me be and the rest of my time here will be pleasant for everyone. If this turns into another shit bath it's gonna be on you too.

    As for the rest of the community, I have to say that I am really disappointed in all of you for not pressing the issue of duplicate ID's. It sure pissed me off when Hex verified they existed, and I doubt if he would have bothered t post anything about it if the issue were long dead as Bill would have you believe. Don't you guys want to know who's been playing you for suckers?

    By the way, I'll be over at HP too. Come by and say hello. And for cryin' out loud, Bill, quit trying to make all of this about Sid. Remember, Sid is gone. It's me you're out to get now.
    Waaaaaaaaaaaaa, waaaaaaaaaaaa, poor shelbs

    YOU are the one "following" me around, that's painfully obvious to anyone watching you.

    Who cares if anyone thinks sid is still posting here with duplicate ids, I don't, no one else does so why should you?

    YOU are the one who's making this all about sid, you haven't posted for four days but come here with your only post just to whine. sid's history here and it was all his own fault so why not just drop it?

    I thought you were leaving?
    TBSCigars - "On Holiday"
    Grammar - It's the difference between knowing your crap and knowing you're crap.

  20. #80
    Join Date
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    Iowa City, Iowa


    Hey cinda,
    You want to know how we all can get past this bullshit? I'll tell you the ONLY way.

    Every time billy posts, everyone on the bb has to immediately post in agreement with him and call him a god.
    Every time someone who billy doesn't like posts, everyone on the bb has to immediately attack them and send a message to hex asking for a ban poll.

    This is the only way. Not too far from that now.

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